We finally had the opportunity to become foster parents, even though it was only temporary. From July 2-6th, we were blessed to have 9 year- old Angel in our home. After a great weekend, he went off to summer camp and then will be going to a new home. Although it was a great experience, we have decided that 9 is just a bit more than we are ready to handle long term. All and all, we had a great experience and feel lucky to have had the opportunity to be a safe home, even if just for a few days.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Foster Kid
We finally had the opportunity to become foster parents, even though it was only temporary. From July 2-6th, we were blessed to have 9 year- old Angel in our home. After a great weekend, he went off to summer camp and then will be going to a new home. Although it was a great experience, we have decided that 9 is just a bit more than we are ready to handle long term. All and all, we had a great experience and feel lucky to have had the opportunity to be a safe home, even if just for a few days.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Starved Rock getaway
Last weekend we went to Starved Rock in central IL. We stayed at a B&B called the Brightwood, which was wonderful and very relaxing. While at Starved Rock, we took their paddle boat tour, which was well worth the $. We also met up with friends, Jen & Joe, and did some hiking. All and all a great weekend!
Green Thumb?
We have been thrilled at how well our garden has been growing. When we set out, we weren't sure how well we'd do at gardening, so we created a kidney bean shape because we thought we could add it to our landscaping plans later on, if we didn't like the garden. Luckily, we have been pleasantly surprised at how well things have been growing. Our lettuce and herbs have been taking off and our zucchini, squash, broccoli and tomatoes are coming along nicely.
For Every Storm a Rainbow...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Eve!
I just finished making this chocolate cake for Easter. Of course the recipe came from Martha Stewart and overall wasn't too tricky to make. It was, however; very time consuming. I also had trouble getting the truffle eggs to work out, so I ended up making them out of fondant. Hope it tastes good!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Mike!
To celebrate Mike's 34th birthday we spent the day in Chicago. We started off with lunch Hackneys and then went to the Shedd Aquarium. To end the day, we went to Vong's Thai Kitchen. It was a great day together and off of work!
For Mike's mom's birthday, I made this caramel cake. The cake was delicious, but I wasn't a huge fan of the homemade caramel. I would use store bought caramel next time.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Took some time on Monday night and made these simple cookies. If you're looking for a quick peanut butter/chocolate fix, try these!
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Sunday, February 15, 2009
My Funny Valentine
Valentine's Day seemed to bring out the best in both Mike and I. I took the holiday as a chance to whip of some new recipes, along with some of my "oldies but goodies".
Pear & Raspberry Pie: made one for my
Grandma & Grandpa & made 2: one for
Mike and I and the other for work.
Mike surprised me with Inside-out chocolate strawberries: a recipe he found in the newspaper
Supberbowl Shuffle
Mint Chip icecream, anyone?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
To Be or Not to Be...
Who would have thought it would be so difficult to get a foster child? Every day you hear of children in need of good homes and here we are, a happy couple, ready to open our home to just about anyone, but can't seem to find that child who needs us. After 5 months, the waiting is starting to take its tole on us.
We have high hopes that our new agency will be able to find a placement for us. Now we just need our old agency to get their act together and transfer our license.
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